Monday, July 13, 2009

Health Care Reform is a Joke

Simple statement here: How can you effect savings in Healthcare without attacking Healthcare at the base costs and one of the biggest base costs is Tort Reform. You can not avoid a total Healthcare system meltdown.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Health Care is what the king pin of the loss of Freedom!

Oh you think this is all about Health Insurance yeah right look around people:

Oh yeah they want control of the health industry but out of healthcare you can control everything

  • You want a candybar oops 4$ tax because its a bad habit!
  • You want a beer 2$ tax another bad habit.
  • A Cigarette? i think we know we pay up to 9$ a pack in NY.
  • You want a fast car, oh that is a health hazard.
  • you want a fast boat? oh another health hazard.
  • I could go on but i think i have made my point.

Get the picture yeah as deam wormer said in Animal house No more fun of anykind.

Friday, June 12, 2009

There is something the Government is not telling you

The Government Health Plan option would be a option that underpays physicians and forces private insurers to pick up the additional costs. this is not right!

What should happen to combat this:
1). Private Insurers do not pick up the additional costs
2). Doctors force the Government to pay the same as private insurers

I will be putting my Health Care plan out here in a few weeks look for it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

VAT tax? oh yeah tax me into bad health!!!!

OK now they are throwing about a VAT tax or National Sales Tax to pay for health care ???
wont this take more money out of the economy?? Well now we know why they don't have economic recoveries in Europe, Maybe we should move to China they are the capitalists now!

Transparency can just bite me!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Health Care Reform - What about Tort reform too?

This is a Short rant to exclaim what the health care reform talks dont embrace. Tort reform where is it? why is it not being discussed?

My answer since Tort Reform would hurt Trial lawyers and the Democrats are loaded with Trial lawyers and they are not gonna touch it!

Live Free or Die.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Government backed healthcare and Auto warranties

Something things to look at with regards to Government run entities

Remember Government Run Housing:

These were nice apartments at one point now they are abandoned

Did you know that the United States has a higher rate of Cancer cure than Europe and Canada.

Do you really want Government Healthcare?

I know I Don't!

Don't believe the Con-artists of the Democratic party its pure BS. If we buy what they are selling we will wish for the good old days of Private Health Insurance companies.

Here is another good example of what you might get with the Government Running parts of the economy check out your new Auto Warranty coverage:

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Health Isurance Debate you don't see!

Do you know where your health Insurance premiums pay go?

79% for healthcare and administration
15% Cost Shifting from Medicare and Medicaid
6-7% gov’t taxes

15% for Cost Shifting? What is Cost Shifting?

Medicare and Medicaid pay on a schedule a and less than commercial health insurance carriers actually they pay on a rate that would make most doctors go broke. But don’t worry the private health insurers make up for it with higher reimbursements to the hospitals and physicians

Health insurance study:

Why is this bad? Well for one thing you have people with $2500 deductibles paying for medicaid and medicare patients have no deductibles. Fair? NOT at all! the Government needs to stop cost shifting and pay its fair share! if cost shifting was eliminated you would save 15% on your Health insurance. I'm sure the Harvard thinkers probably think I'm oversimplifying the situation.

Did you know NY this year passed additional tax on health insurers to raid the health insurers reserves! Let this be a lesson to you if you have money and live in NY hide it!!
Its like robbing from the rich to pay for the FAT(NY State Government).

Cost shifting Video:

Less Government = A Better Life

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stem Cells Dirty little secret

This is the Stem Cell fight as most people in this country thinks it is:

Democrats want embryonic stem cell research to cure paralysis, Diabetes and other diseases.

Republicans do not want embryonic stem cell research as they feel it is experimentation on human life.

What is the dirty little secret on Stem cell research?

The battle is over FEDERAL FUNDING of Stem cell research. Research companies could always do this kind of stem cell research but they want the government to pay for it! why?
The research is not that promising or drug companies would be doing it already.

If these research firms find a cure, will the people of this country get a discount on the drug's and procedures developed? NO we wont! and yet we paid for who is getting the shaft on this deal..we all are except the politicians with vested interests in this type of research.

One last thought President Obama, science needs morality without morality in science you get a slippery slope whereby "undesirable" humans are allowed for experimentation. Human experimentation happened under the Germans in the Wiemar and Nazi regimes. Those of you who don't think it can happen here? Please check out this wiki link and/or video of what happened to David Reimer and his twin brother this is really heinous.

and his evil Psychologist John money

Here is a video of the story:

Less Government = A Better Life!