Monday, March 23, 2009

The Health Isurance Debate you don't see!

Do you know where your health Insurance premiums pay go?

79% for healthcare and administration
15% Cost Shifting from Medicare and Medicaid
6-7% gov’t taxes

15% for Cost Shifting? What is Cost Shifting?

Medicare and Medicaid pay on a schedule a and less than commercial health insurance carriers actually they pay on a rate that would make most doctors go broke. But don’t worry the private health insurers make up for it with higher reimbursements to the hospitals and physicians

Health insurance study:

Why is this bad? Well for one thing you have people with $2500 deductibles paying for medicaid and medicare patients have no deductibles. Fair? NOT at all! the Government needs to stop cost shifting and pay its fair share! if cost shifting was eliminated you would save 15% on your Health insurance. I'm sure the Harvard thinkers probably think I'm oversimplifying the situation.

Did you know NY this year passed additional tax on health insurers to raid the health insurers reserves! Let this be a lesson to you if you have money and live in NY hide it!!
Its like robbing from the rich to pay for the FAT(NY State Government).

Cost shifting Video:

Less Government = A Better Life

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stem Cells Dirty little secret

This is the Stem Cell fight as most people in this country thinks it is:

Democrats want embryonic stem cell research to cure paralysis, Diabetes and other diseases.

Republicans do not want embryonic stem cell research as they feel it is experimentation on human life.

What is the dirty little secret on Stem cell research?

The battle is over FEDERAL FUNDING of Stem cell research. Research companies could always do this kind of stem cell research but they want the government to pay for it! why?
The research is not that promising or drug companies would be doing it already.

If these research firms find a cure, will the people of this country get a discount on the drug's and procedures developed? NO we wont! and yet we paid for who is getting the shaft on this deal..we all are except the politicians with vested interests in this type of research.

One last thought President Obama, science needs morality without morality in science you get a slippery slope whereby "undesirable" humans are allowed for experimentation. Human experimentation happened under the Germans in the Wiemar and Nazi regimes. Those of you who don't think it can happen here? Please check out this wiki link and/or video of what happened to David Reimer and his twin brother this is really heinous.

and his evil Psychologist John money

Here is a video of the story:

Less Government = A Better Life!