Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Health Care Reform - What about Tort reform too?

This is a Short rant to exclaim what the health care reform talks dont embrace. Tort reform where is it? why is it not being discussed?

My answer since Tort Reform would hurt Trial lawyers and the Democrats are loaded with Trial lawyers and they are not gonna touch it!

Live Free or Die.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Government backed healthcare and Auto warranties

Something things to look at with regards to Government run entities

Remember Government Run Housing:

These were nice apartments at one point now they are abandoned

Did you know that the United States has a higher rate of Cancer cure than Europe and Canada.

Do you really want Government Healthcare?

I know I Don't!

Don't believe the Con-artists of the Democratic party its pure BS. If we buy what they are selling we will wish for the good old days of Private Health Insurance companies.

Here is another good example of what you might get with the Government Running parts of the economy check out your new Auto Warranty coverage: